We are writing to advise you of the launch, earlier this summer, of the Annual Junior Faculty Forum for International Law, which will hold its inaugural session in New York City in May 2012.
The Forum - launched at www.annualjuniorfacultyforumIL.org/ - is designed to assist junior faculty, i.e. those in the first six years of their academic careers anywhere in the world, with their research endeavors by inviting them to submit a proposal on work they wish to present to the Forum in any given year. Through a competitive process, we shall select six to nine of these submissions, asking each of the applicants to develop their work more fully so as to present it to the Forum when it meets for its inaugural session in May of next year. Most importantly, each of these presentations (and their presenters) shall be paired with a senior scholar in the field of international law who will attend the Forum and commentate on the paper that they have been assigned. Selected presentations from these deliberations will then be invited to appear in a special edition of the European Journal of International Law, published by Oxford University Press.
We are drawing this venture to your attention, not only so that you can share these details in turn with members of your junior faculty, but also because successful applicants will be advised that the anticipated cost of their visit to New York next year will be of the order of USD3,000. They will therefore be responsible for securing their own funding to attend the Forum, although there will be some scope for the Forum to make awards in exceptional cases (but this will be limited to awards of USD1,000). We very much look forward to your support in encouraging junior colleagues in this respect, as the Forum will provide an impressive and unique opportunity for them to present their work in a most stimulating and supportive intellectual environment.
The deadline for the submission of applications this year is October 15, 2011.
We apologize for any/all cross-postings.
Dino Kritsiotis (University of Nottingham) Anne Orford (University of Melbourne) JHH Weiler (NYU)
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